Business Listings

So that we can list as many of our amazing Wollondilly businesses as possible, please complete the below business listing form. 

You will need to provide business details, contact details, content on what your business offers, promotional links such as Facebook and Instagram and a selection of high resolution images. 

Event Listings

Do you have an upcoming event in Wollondilly? So that we can help promote what's happening in the local area and spread the word please complete the event listing form below. 

You will need to provide event details, a contact person, event description and an image that best showcases the event. 

Get Connected with Destination NSW 

With Get Connected, Destination NSW gives you the opportunity to showcase your tourism products on Destination NSW’s consumer websites FREE of charge and tap into over 1.7 million potential customers a month, both domestic and international - that’s 21.4 million people a year!

To take advantage of this free service, you simply register via the Australian Tourism Data Warehouse (ADTW) website which is the national digital tourism platform that powers the Get Connected Program.

Australian Tourism Data Warehouse

'It's ON' Campaign 

A key component of Destination NSW’s event marketing is the ‘It’s ON!’ campaign which promotes the Sydney & NSW Events Calendar. The ‘It’s ON!’ campaign is a well-established campaign platform for Sydney and regional NSW. Awareness of the Sydney Events Calendar is an important indicator of visitor intention and continuous targeting of relevant audience segments has been shown to increase overall appeal, consideration and visitation to a specific destination.



For more information visit Destination NSW.